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Stage 2

(this guide is for pokemon sapphire)

After you get the pokemon you wanted, go out to where professor Birch was in trouble. Brendan SHOULD be there, i can't exactly remeber if this is the right part though. Talk to him and he will want a pokemon battle. He should have another pokemon that was in the bag. The battle should be a BIT hard, but not too hard. After you win he will want to go back to the lab. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT BIT PLEASE DO NOT MISS IT. Flollow him to the lab and Prof should be waiting. He will give you the Pokedex and a Pokeball

This is where you are given the pokedex by Professor Birch.

. Here is what it should look like.Go out of the lab and upwards AGAIN and get back to where you were before, and go right. A bug catcher trainer and a Youngster trainer should be waiting to battle in different places. Battle them and try as hard as you can to win. The points are very important for the next stage. Go back into town AGAIN and go LEFT. There should be a route going through to the next city, Oldale town. This town is not much really, kind of like Cherrygrove in Pokemon Crystal. It has a Pokemon center, a minimart, and houses, fill up here and continue

Batlling Brendan, Professor Birch's son.


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